Monday, March 7, 2011

For the People, By the People Portrait Series: NEXT ON THE LIST

Carlos Villa - A Poet of Visual Metaphor

For nearly fifty years Carlos Villa has explored the meaning of cultural diversity in his art and in doing so has expanded our awareness of what we consider as “multicultural.” What began in his early career as an attempt to understand his own heritage--a complexity of Filipino traditions with its layered strains of Asian, African, Indian and Oceanic cultures, along with influences of a Western artistic tradition--became over time an exercise in creating his own visual anthropology to represent his personal background, and, in a broader sense, the dynamics of intercultural weaving

Carlos Villa 

Rich Qbert Quitevis AKA DJ Q-Bert- THE DJ
Known by his stage name DJ Qbert or Grandmixer Qbert, is an Filipino-American Turntablist and Composer.

He is often referred to as the JImi Hendrix of the turntables, Known to make them sing in a complex and subtle ways. He invented the first musical annotation system for scratching, battling and composing on vinyl.

DJ Qbert

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